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When his girlfriend Sasha and best friend Elias give hothead Richard a harpoon for his birthday, he wants to try this new toy out right away. So the three of them set out for a day trip on a boat, but suspicion and jealousy soon start to get the upper hand. Before long, the tension has become unbearable. To make matters worse, the boat’s engine fails and then it turns out they left their supplies on shore a nerve-wracking struggle for survival ensues that spares no one’s secrets – or blood.  This post-modern adaptation of a story by Edgar Allan Poe in which three shipwrecked sailors draw lots to see who has to sacrifice himself as a cannibalistic snack, is a bloodthirsty thriller that leaves sufficient space for laughs. It’s painfully obvious from (nautical) miles away that this triangular relationship is not going to end well.渔枪电视剧免费观看,渔枪电视剧,渔枪电影,渔枪电视剧在线观看,渔枪电视剧在线观看全集,渔枪电视剧剧情介绍,策驰影院 电视剧免费,渔枪电视剧免费观看,渔枪电视剧全集免费播放,渔枪电视剧免费全集在线观看,渔枪电视剧免费观看全集完整版,渔枪电视剧全集在线观看


  • 0.0已完结学妹惊声之色色发抖张蓝艺,鹿昊,梁平,王笑天
  • 0.0已完结恐怖说书人林未紀,望月美寿々,春野惠
  • 0.0正片世外桃源尼古拉斯·凯奇,杰登·马泰尔,麦克斯维尔·詹金斯,赛迪·斯欧维奥,Joe Dixon,萨曼莎·考格兰,Daire McMahon,Joel Gillman
  • 0.0正片破墓崔岷植,金高银,柳海真,李到晛,全镇基,洪瑞俊
  • 0.0已完结案山子野波麻帆,田中要次,叶佩雯,有园芳纪,河原崎建三
  • 0.0已完结鬼影阿南达·爱华灵咸,娜特慧兰·塔美,阿西塔·西卡玛娜,Unnop Chanpaibool,Titikarn Tongprasearth,Sivagorn Muttamara,Chachchaya Chalemphol,Kachormsak Naruepatr,Apichart Chusakul,Binn Kitchachonpong,Panitan Mavichak,Samruay Jaratjar

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